land of the seekers

The Himalayan Connection

The Himalayan country could be called the land of seekers has been an important geographical region where great sages and yogis have meditated and attained enlightenment. The Himalayas are revered as a source of strong spiritual energy and a tantric body in yogic science. Especially after the teachings of Lord Gautam Buddha spread around the world, in Nepal the highest attainment for a human being has always been Nirvana or Mokshya.

The word Mokshya is formed with two words, Moha(wants) and Kshyaya( destruction). which can be interpreted as a state of being where one's desires like lust, greed, affection, illusion, and other qualities are nonexistent. In this culture, the main focus of spirituality has been always on attaining the ultimate human nature which is loosely called liberation.

We have never been taught about any superior being sitting in the heavens and controlling the fate of any individual. We have been taught rather seek all the answers on our own. But when exposed to the western culture our idea of the divine has been misunderstood.

A person worshiping a stone idol might seem quite confusing among monotheism practitioners worldwide. To clear out your confusion we simply don’t praise the stone for being stone instead we praise the creator within the stone.

No matter how many pieces you break the stone into we human beings will never be able to figure out the entirety of the stone. For everything that exists in nature has its own divine beauty, that is why in our culture we have people worshiping all the animate and inanimate objects. This idea of “not knowing” leads any normal human being on the path to seek.

Nepal is the land of the seekers as great Rishimunis have emerged out of this land with a huge amount of knowledge and teachings. Lord Gautama Buddha is a known figure as the Light of Asia and is revered throughout the world. Besides, some notable saints and sages are Sunira, Matsyendranath, Gorakhnath, Milarepa, and Rinpoche,

These Gurus are the ones who came to the limelight, for their teachings and their contribution to spirituality, however, no one can tell about all the unnoticed enlightened beings from the Himalayan region.

In this culture since ancient times, there were a lot of people who attained enlightenment through seeking. As the culture went through a series of contact with other cultures, the main idea of seeking has been convoluted with the idea of believing and knowing. It's not only the westerners who are confused by the culture but the descendent of this culture have also been confused.

It might be because of translation errors that happened during different times in history. Today people know this culture as how it is defined by western scholars. For example, going into the temples was meant to sit there and feel the energy and the reverberation of the monument but sadly people are visiting temples in hope of clearing all the sins they have committed.

There might not be a huge amount of Yogis in this land but anyone who is inspired to seek can still choose this land. As this land is also a place of faith for Buddhists and Hindus, there is a huge amount of spiritual seekers visiting this country. Whether you are a seeker or a believer you can experience the effect of this land on your spirituality. If you choose to explore this land for spirituality, you will not get disappointed.